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Nobuhiro Yanai

Triplet Dynamic Nuclear Polarization: New Polarizing Agents and Targets"

Triplet dynamic nuclear polarization (triplet-DNP), which utilizes the
polarized electron spins of the photo-excited triplet, is an excellent
method to obtain large nuclear spin polarization even under mild
conditions below 1 T near room temperature. This talk will highlight
the potential of triplet-DNP and the exciting new possibilities that
have emerged with recent advancements in polarizing agents and
targets. Specifically, I will cover the following topics:
1. Mechanism of triplet-DNP as an introduction
2. Expanding the targets using supramolecular polarizing agents
3. Improving air stability and solubility with non-pentacene polarizing agents
4. Challenging polarization transfer with the use of nanomaterials.

7:00 AM California or 10:00 AM Boston or 4:00 PM Paris or 7:30 PM Delhi

April 4

Christophe Copéret

May 16

Laura Castañar Acedo