Characterization of Metal Halide Perovskites using Solid-State NMR
During the 36th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meetings on Zoom, Dr. Dominik Kubicki, University of Warwick, gave a talk on the characterization of metal halide perovskites using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).
Abstract: Determining the structure-property relationships at multiple length scales is one of the key tenets of rational design of new materials. I will use the example of metal halide perovskites to discuss how we can determine the atomic-level structure of solids in an element-specific manner using solid-state NMR. The range of problems includes quantifying dopant incorporation, phase segregation, halide mixing, decomposition pathways, passivation mechanisms, short-range and long-range dynamics. I will focus on the experimental challenges and discuss practical aspects of recording solid-state NMR data on this class of materials.
Bio: Dominik J. Kubicki is an assistant professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Warwick. He graduated from the Warsaw University of Technology and completed his PhD in solid-state NMR with Lyndon Emsley at EPFL (Switzerland) in 2018. He then worked in the group of Michael Grätzel and subsequently held a Marie Curie-Skłodowska Fellowship at the University of Cambridge working with Sam Stranks and Clare Grey. His research focuses on new materials for sustainable optoelectronic technologies.
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