Heteronuclear Spin Decoupling in Static & Rotating Samples
During the 45th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meetings held on March 22nd, 2022 via Zoom, Prof. Matthias Ernst from ETH Zürich gave a talk on the topic "Heteronuclear Spin Decoupling in Static and Rotating Samples". The recording serves as a tutorial.
Abstract: I will discuss the fundamentals of heteronuclear decoupling with an emphasis on the differences between static and rotating samples. The talk will highlight the importance of the interaction-frame transformation in both cases and the new aspects that come up in rotating solids. In the end, I will give qualitative recommendations which sequences to use.
Speaker's biography:
1993: Ph.D, ETH Zürich (with Richard Ernst)
1994-1996: Postdoc, UC Berkeley (with Alex Pines)
1996-1998: Scientist, University of Nijmegen
1998-2011: Senior Scientist and Professor, ETH Zürich
Social Media:
Twitter: @maer
Website: https://www.nmr.ethz.ch/~maer/
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?...