
Solution-State NMR Adrian Draney Solution-State NMR Adrian Draney

NMR Strategies for Examining Interactions with Nanoparticles

During the 77th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meetings held on December 19st, 2023 via Zoom, Prof. Leah B. Casabianca from Clemson University, United States, gave a talk on the topic "NMR Strategies for Examining Interactions Between Small Molecules and Nanoparticle Surfaces". The recording serves as a tutorial.

Interactions between small molecules and the surface of nanoparticles are important in a variety of fields, from drug delivery to the fate of nanoparticles in the environment. In this talk, I will discuss several NMR techniques that can be used to gain structural and dynamic information about these interactions, with a focus on saturation-transfer difference (STD)-NMR.

Prof. Leah Casabianca's research group website:


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