
Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney

Statistical Learning of NMR tensors

Session 22 held virtually via zoom on 16th February 2021 featured Dr. Deepansh Srivastava, postdoc in Prof. Philip Grandinetti's research group at Ohio State University, U.S.A. Dr. Srivastava gave a talk on "Statistical Learning of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) tensors from 2D Isotropic/Anisotropic Correlation NMR Spectra". The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

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Short abstract: The talk features a direct inversion of 2D isotropic/anisotropic correlation ss-NMR spectra to 3D NMR tensor parameter distribution. The problem, regularized with TSVD and smooth-LASSO methods, promote stability, sparsity, and smoothness in the solution. An application of this method on spectra of non-crystalline material will be shown.

Abstract: Many linear inversion problems involving Fredholm integrals of the first kind are frequently encountered in the field of magnetic resonance. One important application is the direct inversion of a solid-state NMR spectrum containing multiple overlapping anisotropic sub-spectra to obtain a distribution of the tensor parameters. Because of the ill-conditioned nature of this inverse problem, we investigate the use of the truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD) and smooth least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (S-LASSO) based regularization method, which (a) stabilizes the solution and (b) promotes sparsity and smoothness in the solution. We also propose an unambiguous representation for the anisotropy parameters using a piecewise polar coordinate system to minimize rank deficiency in the inversion kernel. To obtain the optimum tensor parameter distribution, we implement the k-fold cross-validation, a statistical learning method, to determine the hyperparameters of the regularized inverse problem. In this talk, I'll show the details of the linear-inversion method along with numerous illustrative applications on purely anisotropic NMR spectra, both synthetic as well as experimental two-dimensional spectra correlating the isotropic and anisotropic frequencies.


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Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney

Programming Basics and How to Write NMR Simulation Software

The 13th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on 21st August 2020 via Zoom. Dr. Frédéric Perras gave a talk on some programming basics and writing NMR simulation software with static and magic angle spinning (MAS) chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) lineshapes as examples. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

The programs described in the video can be found and run online:

Dr. Frédéric Perras is an Associate Scientist at Ames Laboratory, Iowa, U.S.A.

Follow Dr. Perras on Twitter: @Fred_A_Perras


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Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney

Numerical Simulations in Solid-State NMR (SIMPSON)

The 12th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on 7th August 2020 via Zoom. Prof. Thomas Vosegaard gave a talk on Numerical Simulations in Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy with a particular emphasis on SIMPSON. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Prof. Thomas Vosegaard is a Professor of Chemistry at the Aarhus University in Denmark.

Follow Prof. Thomas Vosegaard on Twitter: @TVosegaard


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Useful links: SIMPSON website:

Chapter with examples of SIMPSON:

Online examples from the chapter:


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Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney

Methodology for 17O Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy

The 11th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on 24th July 2020 via Zoom. Suzi Pugh gave a talk on the following topic: Methodology for 17O Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture. Suzi Pugh is currently a graduate student at the University of St. Andrews (U.K.), working in the research group of Prof. Sharon Ashbrook. She received her B.Sc. from Keele University in 2015.

Follow Suzi Pugh on Twitter: @suzimay_pugh

Research Gate:


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Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney

Relaxation-Assisted Spectral Editing in Biological Solid-State NMR

The 10th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on 10th July 2020 via Zoom. Dr. Ieva Goldberga gave a talk on the following topic: Relaxation-Assisted Spectral Editing in Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy of Biological Materials. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Dr. Ieva Goldberga is currently a postdoc at the University of Montpellier (France), working in the research group of Dr. Danielle Laurencin. She received her Ph.D. in 2020 from Prof. Melinda Duer's group at the University of Cambridge, U.K.

Follow Dr. Ieva Goldberga on Twitter: @ieva_goldberga

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Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney

Line Shape Analysis and Tensor Interplay

The 9th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on 3rd July 2020 via Zoom. Prof. David Bryce gave a talk on the following topic: Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (SSNMR) Spectra Line Shape Analysis and Tensor Interplay. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture. Prof. David Bryce is the University of Ottawa Research Chair in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and the Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.

Follow Prof. David Bryce on Twitter: @BryceNation


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Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney

NMR Observation of Quadrupolar Nuclei & their Neighbors in Solids

The 8th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on 26th June 2020 via Zoom. Dr. Olivier Lafon gave a talk on the following topic: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Observation of Quadrupolar Nuclei and their Neighbors in Solids. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture. Dr. Olivier Lafon is a University Professor at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille, France. He primarily works on the development and application of solid-state NMR spectroscopy to inorganic and hybrid materials at the Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide (UCCS).

Follow Prof. Olivier Lafon on Twitter: @LafonOlivier


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Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney

Practical Aspects of Fast MAS Solid-State NMR

In the fifth session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting held on 5th June 2020 via Zoom, Dr. Yusuke Nishiyama from RIKEN and JEOL (Japan) gave a talk on the following topic: Practical Aspects of Fast Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture. Please see 55:55​ in the video for some additional resources. Dr. Yusuke Nishiyama is currently a Unit Leader in RIKEN, Japan, and a Researcher in JEOL, Japan.


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