Chemical biology tools for the NMR structural biologist

Session 23 held virtually via zoom on 2nd March 2021 featured Prof. Galia Debelouchina, Assistant Professor at University of California San Diego (UCSD), U.S.A. Prof. Debelouchina gave a talk on "Chemical biology tools for the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) structural biologist ". The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

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Education 2011 Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2005 B.A., Chemistry, Mathematics, Colby College Appointments 2017 - present Assistant Professor, UCSD 2012 - 2017 Postdoctoral Associate, Chemical Biology, Princeton University

Abstract: Many of the challenging biological problems that NMR spectroscopists study involve large and complex proteins that are also often post-translationally modified. In this tutorial, I will cover NMR friendly approaches to install post-translational modifications efficiently, to segmentally label proteins, and to install various spectroscopic probes in a selective manner. I will cover tools such as inteins and sortase, unnatural amino acid incorporation, native and expressed protein ligation, and bio-orthogonal chemical approaches for protein labeling. I will discuss the advantages and challenges of these tools and present applications from my own lab and the recent literature.



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