Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization: Genesis and Metamorphosis
In the third session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting held on 22nd May 2020 via Zoom, Prof. Sami Jannin from CRMN, Lyon (France) gave a talk on the following topic: Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization: Genesis and Metamorphosis. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture for those wanting to learn Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization.
Prof. Sami Jannin is a professor at Université de Lyon, the Deputy Director of Center Resonance Magnétique Nucleaire À Très Hauts Champs (Lyon, France) and the Head of the Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance Laboratory. Research group website: https://www.hmrlab.eu/
Follow Prof. Jannin on Twitter: @Sami_HMRlab