High-Dimensional Spectroscopy to Tackle Complexity in Bio-NMR

During the 75th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meetings held on November 21st, 2023 via Zoom, Prof. Jan Stanek from the University of Warsaw in Poland, gave a talk on the topic "High-dimensional spectroscopy and other tools to tackle complexity in biological solid-state NMR". The recording serves as a tutorial.

Fast (sup. 60 kHz) magic-angle spinning provides high sensitivity and narrowed 1H linewidths. However, spectral analysis of large proteins are often severely hampered by peak overlap and/or ambiguity, depending on system size and sample quality. In this tutorial lecture, I will discuss several experimental techniques to address this, namely high-dimensional (4D, 5D) spectroscopy with non-uniform sampling, projection spectroscopy and time-shared acquisition. Additionally, I will explore selected tools for automation of resonance assignment and present early data on protein dynamics measurement as pseudo-4D series.

Website: http://nmr.cent3.uw.edu.pl/stanek

Link: https://youtu.be/cmlPjDJkFzo?si=EyLZPMJNmBIlaPxW


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