NMR Crystallography: Integrative Foundations and Applications
During the 64th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meetings held on March 21st, 2023 via Zoom, Prof. Leonard Mueller gave a talk on the topic "NMR Crystallography: Integrative Foundations and Applications to Materials Chemistry and Structural Biology". The recording serves as a tutorial.
Abstract: NMR crystallography – the integrated application of solid-state NMR, X-ray diffraction, and first-principles computational chemistry – is rapidly developing as an atomic-resolution probe of structure and function across the molecular sciences. Here, I will discuss critical aspects in the integration of these three techniques, including the need for a priori determination of linear rescaling parameters and rigorous methods of statistical analysis. I will present two recent examples from my group's work that highlight these factors. The first is to photomechanical materials, connecting the molecular-level structural rearrangement to the experimentally-observed macroscopic response. The second is to integrative structural biology, revealing chemically-detailed structure and dynamics in the enzyme active site of tryptophan synthase, and how this has changed our understanding of its mechanism and inhibition.
Prof. Leonard Mueller is a Professor of Chemistry at the University of California Riverside, USA.
Website: https://sites.google.com/ucr.edu/muel...
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?...