NMR Chemical Shifts Beyond Numbers
During the 65th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meetings held on April 4th, 2023 via Zoom, Prof. Christophe Copéret gave a talk on the topic "NMR Chemical shifts Beyond Numbers: From Understanding Electronic Structures to Reactivity Descriptor". The recording serves as a tutorial.
Abstract: NMR chemical shift is successfully used to identify the structure of molecules (and materials) making NMR an invaluable tool of characterisation. Because of its power to elucidate molecular structure, NMR interpretation is taught at an early stage, often in laboratory courses, even before one understands the fundamentals of spectroscopy and their selection rules. This lecture will concentrate on developing a detailed understanding of the origin of NMR chemical shift, and show how it can be used to reconstruct the electronic structure of molecules, in particular organometallic intermediates. This lecture will illustrate why the symmetry of the angular momentum operator makes NMR a privilege spectroscopic descriptor of reactivity.
Christophe Copéret is a Professor of Chemistry and Head of the Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry at ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
Google scholar:
Paramagnetic effects in NMR: From PRE to metal ions DNP
During the 52nd session of the Global NMR Discussion Meetings held on October 4th, 2022 via Zoom, Dr. Daniel Jardon Alvarez from Weizmann Institute of Science gave a talk on the topic "Paramagnetic effects in NMR: From PRE to metal ions based DNP ". The recording serves as a tutorial.
DNP enhancements are distance independent as long as the nuclear relaxation is governed by paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) from the polarizing agents. This enables large and homogeneous enhancements in the bulk of inorganic materials upon doping with paramagnetic metal ions. In this talk I will present the basics of PRE and solid effect DNP and, from there, justify the initial statement.
Speaker's biography:
2006-2012: BSc, MSc - Ludwig-Maximilians University, Germany
2012-2016: PhD - University of São Paulo, Brazil
2016-2019: Postdoc - Ohio State University, USA
2019-2021: Postdoc - Weizmann Institute, Israel
2021-present: Senior Intern - Weizmann Institute, Israel
Follow Dr. Jardon Alvarez's work here:
Google scholar:
Twitter: @dani_jardon
Review on DNP from metal ion dopants:
Protein Structure Determination Using Paramagnetic NMR
The 17th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on 27th October 2020 via Zoom. Dr. Alireza Bahramzadeh gave a talk on the use of paramagnetic nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy for protein structure determination. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.
Abstract: The long-range nature of the paramagnetic effects arising from unpaired electrons of metal ions renders them a powerful NMR spectroscopic tool for the study of the structure and dynamics of biological macromolecules. In this tutorial, we will discuss protein structure determination using paramagnetic NMR. The first part will cover different types of paramagnetic metal ions and their paramagnetic effects in NMR, mainly focusing on using techniques which better immobilize metal ions onto the proteins and do not impact the protein structure; the second part will consider Pseudocontact Shifts (PCSs) for determining the 3D structure of proteins.
Biography: Alireza received a bachelor of Chemical Engineering and a master of Polymer engineering from the University of Tehran, Iran. During his master’s project, he worked on developing new nanomembranes for heavy metal ions removal in water. In 2015, he moved to Australia and joined the research group of Professor Gottfried Otting to undertake a Ph.D. During his Ph.D., he worked on developing new ways of studying protein structure using paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy.
Follow Alireza on Twitter: @alireza_bahramz
Google scholar page:
Research Gate:
Paramagnetic Metal Ion Polarizing Agents for DNP
The 15th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on 29th September 2020 via Zoom. Prof. Björn Corzilius gave a talk on paramagnetic metal ion polarizing agents for dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.
Prof. Corzilius is the leader of the Solid-State DNP research group at the Institute of Chemistry and the Department of Life, Light & Matter, at the University of Rostock, Germany.
NMR in Metals: Knight Shifts, Overhauser DNP and Applications
In the second session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting held on 15th May 2020 via Zoom, Dr. Michael Hope from Prof. Lyndon Emsley's research group in EPFL, Lausanne (Switzerland) gave a talk on the following topic: NMR in Metals: Knight Shifts, Overhauser DNP and (some) Applications.
The papers mentioned can be found at:
Hydrogenation of VO2:
Li metal DNP:
The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture for those wanting to learn solid-state NMR and dynamic nuclear polarization.