Protein Structure Determination Using Paramagnetic NMR

The 17th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on 27th October 2020 via Zoom. Dr. Alireza Bahramzadeh gave a talk on the use of paramagnetic nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy for protein structure determination. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Abstract: The long-range nature of the paramagnetic effects arising from unpaired electrons of metal ions renders them a powerful NMR spectroscopic tool for the study of the structure and dynamics of biological macromolecules. In this tutorial, we will discuss protein structure determination using paramagnetic NMR. The first part will cover different types of paramagnetic metal ions and their paramagnetic effects in NMR, mainly focusing on using techniques which better immobilize metal ions onto the proteins and do not impact the protein structure; the second part will consider Pseudocontact Shifts (PCSs) for determining the 3D structure of proteins.

Biography: Alireza received a bachelor of Chemical Engineering and a master of Polymer engineering from the University of Tehran, Iran. During his master’s project, he worked on developing new nanomembranes for heavy metal ions removal in water. In 2015, he moved to Australia and joined the research group of Professor Gottfried Otting to undertake a Ph.D. During his Ph.D., he worked on developing new ways of studying protein structure using paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy.

Follow Alireza on Twitter: @alireza_bahramz

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