NMR Metabolomics in Drug Discovery and Disease Diagnosis

During the 82nd session of the Global NMR Discussion Meetings held on March 12th, 2024 via Zoom, Prof. Robert Powers from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States, gave a talk on the topic "The Application of NMR Metabolomics to Drug Discovery and Disease Diagnosis". The recording serves as a tutorial.

Abstract: NMR-based metabolomics has benefited a variety of fields including drug discovery and disease diagnosis. Metabolomics is technically very challenging and requires expertise in a diversity of scientific areas. In this regard, this tutorial will discuss best practices for sample preparation and handling, data collection and analysis, and statistical modeling and interpretation to achieve biologically and clinically significant results.

Prof. Robert Powers' research group website and bio: https://chem.unl.edu/robert-powers

Link: https://youtu.be/DXzjeYyljQE?si=lpD7oFsZUcR1vvjF


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