
Ultrafast Laplace NMR and its applications

During the 95th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meetings held on January 14th, 2025, via Zoom, Prof. Ville-Veikko Telkki from the University of Oulu, Finland, gave a talk on the topic "Ultrafast Laplace NMR and its multidisciplinary applications". The recording serves as a tutorial.

Abstract: Laplace NMR (LNMR), comprising relaxation and diffusion experiments, provides unique information about molecular dynamics, structures and chemical environments. Multidimensional experiments enable correlating relaxation and diffusion parameters to probe different motional types and regimes as well as observing molecular exchange through relaxation or diffusion contrast. This presentation describes how multidimensional T1, T2 and T1r relaxation as well as diffusion experiments can be accelerated by orders of magnitude by spatial encoding and other means, allowing monitoring fast molecular processes in real time. These single-scan ultrafast LNMR experiments facilitate also significantly the use of nuclear spin hyperpolarization to boost sensitivity, making low concentration substances observable. The experiments are feasible also with low-field, single-sided magnets with inhomogeneous field, enhancing the portability and cost-efficiency of advanced NMR analysis. The representation highlights the multidisciplinary applications of the ultrafast LNMR methods, ranging from CO2-capturing cements, battery materials and dairy products to cellular metabolism, protein-ligand interactions, and atmospheric surfactant solutions.

Find out more about Prof. Tatyana Polenova's research:


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Zero to Low Field NMR, Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney Zero to Low Field NMR, Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney

Low-Field Magnetic Resonance for Detection and Other Applications

During the 89th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meetings held on October 8th, 2024 via Zoom, Dr. Adam Altenhof from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, US, gave a talk on the topic "Low-Field Magnetic Resonance for Detection and Other Applications". The recording serves as a tutorial

Abstract: Low-field NMR can offer better resolution than at high-field. Extremely homogeneous B0 fields and low susceptibility broadening results in signal lifetimes around 1 – 10’s of seconds. Earth’s field NMR and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) both offer low cost, high portability, and applications for detection of illicit materials, including fentanyl.

Find out more about Dr. Adam Altenhof's work:


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Parahydrogen-enhanced benchtop NMR spectroscopy

During the 87th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meetings held on June 4th, 2024 via Zoom, Dr. Meghan Halse from the University of York, UK gave a talk on the topic "Parahydrogen-enhanced benchtop NMR spectroscopy". The recording serves as a tutorial.

Abstract: Benchtop NMR spectrometers, due to their portability and affordability, have the potential to transform the accessibility of NMR spectroscopy. Hyperpolarisation can break the link between NMR sensitivity and magnetic field strength, overcoming a key limitation of low-field benchtop NMR spectrometers. This presentation will explain the fundamentals of parahydrogen hyperpolarisation and explore recent developments in its use with benchtop NMR detection, including progress towards analytical applications.

Dr. Meghan Halse's research:


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Long-loved nuclear singlet spin order and its applications

During the 84th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meetings held on April 30th, 2024 via Zoom, Prof. Giuseppe Pileio from the University of Southampton, UK gave a talk on the topic "Long-loved nuclear singlet spin order and its applications". The recording serves as a tutorial.

Abstract: Nuclear singlet spin order is the population difference between the singlet and triplet states in a system of two coupled spin-1/2 nuclei. This form of order is long-lived, silent and accessible on demand. For almost two decades, my research activities were focused at exploiting these three main properties of nuclear spin order to develop new applications in NMR and MRI. In this talk, I will introduce the concept and the main features of singlet order as well as the tools developed for its manipulations. I will then show how we are using this form of order to enhance several NMR and MRI techniques for the long-term storage of hyperpolarisation, to obtain a new form of contrast in MRI, for the measurements of slow diffusion and flow, or for the determination of structural features of porous media such as tortuosity and structural anisotropy through singlet-assisted diffusion NMR.

Prof. Pileio's research:


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Parahydrogen-based Exchange Chemistry for Next-Generation MR

The Fall 2022 series of meetings began on September 20th with a talk by Dr. Danila Barskiy on the topic "Parahydrogen-based Exchange Chemistry for Next-Generation Magnetic Resonance". The recording serves as a tutorial.


In my talk, I will present our recent work demonstrating that parahydrogen-based spin chemistry can generate hyperpolarized molecules (urea, alcohols, amino acids, ammonium, glucose, etc.) for benchtop (1 tesla) NMR as well as for zero- to ultralow-field (ZULF) NMR. I will describe the basics of exchange-based hyperpolarization and discuss potential applications for chemical analysis.

Speaker's biography:

Dr. Danila A. Barskiy
PhD - Novosibirsk University, 2012 - 2015
Postdoc - Vanderbilt University, 2015 - 2017
Postdoc - University of California Berkeley, 2017 - 2020
Presently, he is a research Group Leader at the Helmholtz Institute, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. His group works on chemistry-oriented hyperpolarization technologies for affordable nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and imaging (MRI).

Follow Dr. Barskiy's work here:

Google scholar:


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Dissolution DNP-enhanced Zero- to Ultralow-Field NMR

In session 29 held on 8th June 2021, Román Picazo-Frutos gave a talk on dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP)-enhanced zero- to ultralow-Field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, via Zoom. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.


2016: Bachelor's in Physics, Universitat de Valencia, Spain

2018: Master's degree in Physics, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Germany

2019-present: PhD student, Helmholtz-Institut, Mainz, Germany (Prof. Dmitry Budker)

Román works on Zero- and Ultra-low field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (ZULF NMR). Román is also interested in hyperpolarization, atomic physics, photonics and relaxometry in NMR.

Google scholar:

Budker group website:

ZULF blog post: getting rid of noise source in ZULF NMR :


Zero- and ultra-low field NMR (ZULF-NMR) is a modality of NMR experiment that do not require strong magnets with applications ranging from molecular spectroscopy and chemical-reaction monitoring to dark-matter searches and exotic physics. However, it suffers from low sensitivity. In this work we combine dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (dDNP) to enhance biomolecules signals in a ZULF-NMR experiment. We discuss the scope of this hyperpolarization technique for ZULF NMR, such as the sample transfer and paramagnetic relaxation caused by the polarizing agent in DNP. We believe this technique can become an established choice for hyperpolarization in ZULF NMR.

Additional references:

Proton to carbon polarization transfer in NMR:

Observing through metal containers at zero field:

General Review on ZULF NMR:


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Low-field vs high-field NMR: why not both?

In session 24, held virtually via zoom on 16th March 2021 Dr. Fabien Ferrage gave a talk on the topic "Low-field vs. high-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy: why not both?". The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Dr. Ferrage is currently Director of research at CNRS and associate professor at Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris, France.


Twitter: @fabferrage

Google scholar:

Abstract: High magnetic fields usually provide higher sensitivity and resolution, which are essential to investigate complex systems by NMR. Low-field NMR is cheap, convenient, and sometimes even better than high-field NMR. I will discuss and compare both approaches in the first part of the seminar. In the second part, I will introduce two-field NMR, in which we combine high- and low-field NMR in a single experiment. I will present how two-field NMR works and can lead to better NMR spectra in challenging systems.


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Parahydrogen hyperpolarization: biomedical imaging to RASER physics

After a brief break during December 2020, Global NMR Discussion Meetings is excited to continue hosting educative lectures on a wide variety of NMR topics starting January 2021. In session 20 that was held on 19th January, 2021 (via Zoom), Prof. Thomas Theis gave a talk on "Parahydrogen based hyperpolarization, novel development for applications ranging from biomedical imaging to RASER physics." The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Bio: Dr. Thomas Theis is Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University and Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research is focused on hyperpolarization technology and unconventional NMR and MRI detection schemes. Dr. Theis was born in Heidelberg, Germany, raised in Tenerife, Spain, and completed his undergraduate and masters at the Georg-August University of Goettingen (Germany). Theis received his PhD in 2012 from UC Berkeley (USA) working with Prof. Alexander Pines on "zero-field NMR" and “parahydrogen hyperpolarization schemes” for portable NMR. Dr. Theis conducted postdoctoral research at Duke University (USA) with Prof. Warren Warren focused on "singlet states for hyperpolarization storage", and worked on "low-field NMR" as visiting professor at RWTH Aachen University with Prof. Stephan Appelt (Germany). In 2015, he was promoted to Research Assistant Professor at Duke University developing “cost-efficient hyperpolarization techniques for molecular imaging”. Since 2018, Dr. Theis leads the North Carolina State Hyperpolarization Laboratory.

Follow Prof. Theis on:

Google scholar:

Research group website:

Abstract: Parahydrogen based hyperpolarization methods can create nuclear spin hyperpolarization directly in room temperature solutions to enhance NMR and MRI signals by up to seven orders of magnitude, depending on the magnetic field. Novel approaches to Parahydrogen Induced Polarization (PHIP) open new windows of opportunity in the field of magnetic resonance. In this talk the four following topics are discussed:

1) Parahydrogen as a Source of Spin Order, an Introduction.

2) Optical detection of PHIP with Rb-vapor and NV-centers.

3) Everlasting Sources of Long-Lasting Hyperpolarization.

4) The parahydrogen pumped RASER for precision measurements.


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Zero to Low Field NMR Adrian Draney Zero to Low Field NMR Adrian Draney

Lower than Low: Introducing Zero- to Ultralow-Field (ZULF) NMR

The 6th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on the 12th of June 2020 via Zoom. Dr. John Blanchard gave a talk on the following topic: Lower than Low: Introducing Zero- to Ultralow-Field (ZULF) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Dr. John Blanchard is currently a post-doc with Prof. Dmitry Budker at Helmholtz-Institut Mainz. He received his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley (Prof. Alex Pines) in 2014.

Follow Dr. Blanchard on Twitter: @Blanchard_NMR


Google Scholar:


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