
Solution-State NMR Adrian Draney Solution-State NMR Adrian Draney

The Art of Long-Lived Nuclear Spin Order: Methods and Applications

In session 31 held on 20th July 2021, Dr. Mohamed Sabba gave a talk on "The Art of Long-Lived Nuclear Spin Order: Methods and Applications", via Zoom. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.


BSc at University of Greenwich with Prof. Jeremy Everett 2014-2017

PhD at University of Southampton with Prof. Malcolm Levitt 2017-2021

Postdoc with Prof. Malcolm Levitt 2021-

Follow Dr. Sabba:

Twitter: @ma_sabba

Research Gate:


All physical systems are bound by entropy. In particular, nuclear spin order undergoes relaxation through several distinct modes. The cases of the relaxation of longitudinal and transverse order, characterized by the familiar time constants T1 and T2, are textbook examples in the field of liquid-state NMR which are routinely probed and fairly well-studied. For many years it was popularly believed that T1 was the ultimate upper bound on experimentally accessible relaxation times.

However, in coupled spin systems, it is possible to access a range of interesting configurations which had been almost completely overlooked in the formative decades of magnetic resonance. These configurations have often been organized under the loose umbrella term "long-lived nuclear spin order" owing to their exceptional lifetimes. The most prominent of these is nuclear singlet order which our group in 2004 demonstrated could be accessed easily in 2-spin-1/2 systems from ordinary room-temperature magnetization via simple pulse sequences. Since then the field has grown rapidly with insightful contributions from several excellent groups. There have been striking discoveries, such as room-temperature solution-state lifetimes beyond 1 hour in certain spin systems, which is orders of magnitude larger than T1 in the same conditions.

This talk will be an attempt at summarizing the basic theory and practice of generating, preserving, and reading out long-lived spin order in 2-spin-1/2 systems, with a pragmatic focus tailored towards the experimental spectroscopists curious in these techniques, as well as chemists interested in probing the dynamical properties of their molecules through the potentially unique and symmetry-sensitive relaxometry of long-lived order. We hope to portray this subfield of NMR as readily available rather than exotic and inscrutable. We discuss seminal experiments of the field and also present some of our recent experimental results on robust, highly efficient pulse sequences for accessing 2-spin-1/2 long-lived order in a wide range of chemical inequivalence regimes.


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Solution-State NMR Adrian Draney Solution-State NMR Adrian Draney

Two-dimensional lineshape analysis of biomolecular interactions

In session 30 held on 22nd June 2021, Dr. Chris Waudby gave a talk on Two-dimensional lineshape analysis of biomolecular interactions, via Zoom. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture. For more information on TITAN 2D NMR lineshape analysis, see

Bio: Dr. Chris Waudby

2000-2004: BA MSci, Natural Sciences (Chemistry), University of Cambridge, UK

2004-2009: PhD, Chemistry, Prof. Chris Dobson, University of Cambridge, UK

2010-present: Postdoc, Prof. John Christodoulou, University College London, UK

Follow Dr. Waubdy: Google scholar:



Abstract: NMR titration experiments are a rich source of structural, mechanistic, thermodynamic and kinetic information on biomolecular interactions, which can be extracted through the quantitative analysis of resonance lineshapes in 2D spectra. We will review the basic principles of chemical exchange in one-dimensional NMR, and then discuss a range of surprising and useful effects that can arise when these principles are applied to multi-dimensional experiments. We will touch on the optimal design of titration experiments and selection of pulse programs, and give a tutorial on data analysis using the TITAN software package.



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Dissolution DNP-enhanced Zero- to Ultralow-Field NMR

In session 29 held on 8th June 2021, Román Picazo-Frutos gave a talk on dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP)-enhanced zero- to ultralow-Field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, via Zoom. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.


2016: Bachelor's in Physics, Universitat de Valencia, Spain

2018: Master's degree in Physics, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Germany

2019-present: PhD student, Helmholtz-Institut, Mainz, Germany (Prof. Dmitry Budker)

Román works on Zero- and Ultra-low field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (ZULF NMR). Román is also interested in hyperpolarization, atomic physics, photonics and relaxometry in NMR.

Google scholar:

Budker group website:

ZULF blog post: getting rid of noise source in ZULF NMR :


Zero- and ultra-low field NMR (ZULF-NMR) is a modality of NMR experiment that do not require strong magnets with applications ranging from molecular spectroscopy and chemical-reaction monitoring to dark-matter searches and exotic physics. However, it suffers from low sensitivity. In this work we combine dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (dDNP) to enhance biomolecules signals in a ZULF-NMR experiment. We discuss the scope of this hyperpolarization technique for ZULF NMR, such as the sample transfer and paramagnetic relaxation caused by the polarizing agent in DNP. We believe this technique can become an established choice for hyperpolarization in ZULF NMR.

Additional references:

Proton to carbon polarization transfer in NMR:

Observing through metal containers at zero field:

General Review on ZULF NMR:


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Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney

Brief Principles of Symmetry-Based Recoupling in Solid-State NMR

In session 28 held on 25th May 2021, Prof. Malcolm Levitt gave a talk on the principles of symmetry-based recoupling in solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, via Zoom. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Prof. Levitt obtained his PhD from Oxford University in 1981, under the supervision of Prof. Ray Freeman. He performed postdoctoral research with Profs. Shimon Vega in Israel and Richard Ernst at the ETH in Zürich (who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1991). He was then on the research staff at the Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory at MIT, Boston, USA, for 4 years. He moved back to England as a Royal Society Research Fellow at the Centre for Superconductivity in Cambridge, before becoming a lecturer at the University of Stockholm, Sweden, where he was made a full professor in 1997. He moved back to England to take up a Professorship in Physical Chemistry at the University of Southampton in April 2001.


Google scholar:


- high-resolution solid-state NMR requires removal of anisotropic spin interactions; useful information is conveyed by anisotropic spin interactions; having the cake while eating it.

- rotational symmetries of the spin interactions; space, spin and field signatures

- magic-angle spinning and spatial averaging

- multiple-pulse NMR and spin averaging

- combined spin/spatial/time symmetries

- symmetry-based selection rules and space/spin selection diagrams

- C-sequences

- R-sequences

- some examples

Some references:

These articles can be downloaded from Dropbox:


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Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney

Proton detection solid-state NMR of exotic & unreceptive nuclei

In session 27 held on 11th May 2021, Dr. Amrit Venkatesh gave a talk on "Proton detection solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of exotic & unreceptive nuclei", via Zoom. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Bio: Dr. Amrit Venkatesh received his MSc in Chemistry from the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, India in 2013. Amrit worked as a research fellow at the M.S. University of Baroda for two years where he gained experience in coordination chemistry and provided solution NMR support. Following a brief internship at the NMR center at IISc Bangalore with Dr. Raghothama, Amrit moved to Iowa State University, USA where he completed his PhD under the guidance of Dr. Aaron Rossini in 2020. Amrit is currently a Marie-Curie postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Lyndon Emsley’s group at EPFL, Switzerland.

Follow Amrit: Twitter:

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Abstract: NMR is a powerful atomic-level characterization technique but it suffers from an intrinsically poor sensitivity. Fast magic angle spinning and 1H detection in solids improve NMR sensitivity, but these are mainly applied to common spin-1/2 isotopes such as 13C, 15N, 29Si and 31P. Whereas, over 75% of the periodic table consists of unreceptive nuclei that are under-studied using NMR due to the lack of sensitive approaches. In this contribution 1H detection methods for low-gyromagnetic ratio nuclei, half-integer quadrupolar nuclei and high-Z spin-1/2 nuclei with high chemical shift anisotropy will be discussed. Practical considerations and some recent advances will be highlighted.

For detailed information, please refer to these articles:

Low-gyromagnetic ratio nuclei:

Half-integer quadrupolar nuclei:

Spin-1/2 nuclei with high chemical shift anisotropy:


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Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney

Optimal control and its application in solid-state NMR

In session 26 held on 27th April 2021, Dr. Jan Blahut gave a talk on "Optimal control and its application in solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy", via Zoom. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Optimal-NMR webpage:


Dr. Jan Blahut

2008-2013 M.S. in Organic Chemistry, Charles University in Prague

2013-2018 Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, group of prof. P. Hermann, Charles University in Prague

2018-2020 Postdoctoral position in the group of prof. G. Pintacuda, High-filed NMR centre Lyon

2020-present: Postdoctoral position in the group of Dr. Zdenek Tosner, Charles University in Prague

Publons profile:

Abstract: Optimal control has its origins in economy and engineering as a mathematical tool to maximize profit or minimize disposed energy. Magnetic resonance is well suited for optimal-control application to design new pulse sequences with improved properties. We will focus on application in solid-state NMR, where the combination of sample spinning, powder averaging, dense network of involved interactions and RF field inhomogeneity render analytical approaches based on Average Hamiltonian Theory unfeasible. Despite the complexity of the problem, the practical application of optimal control based techniques is straightforward. It this tutorial we will also demonstrate how they can be implemented to your work-flow in a simple copy-paste manner, replacing traditional recoupling techniques.


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Solution-State NMR, Bio NMR Adrian Draney Solution-State NMR, Bio NMR Adrian Draney

Methyl Sidechain Probes for Solution NMR of Large Proteins

In session 25 held on 13th April 2021, Dr. Andrew McShan gave a talk on "Utility of Methyl Sidechain Probes for Solution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy of large proteins", via Zoom. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Follow Dr. McShan's work on Google scholar:

Biography: Andrew received a B.S. in Biochemistry and Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology from the University of Kansas with Roberto De Guzman. During their Ph.D., they used methyl-based solution-state NMR to characterize the structure and function of bacterial type III secretion systems. In 2016, they moved to the University of California, Santa Cruz and joined the lab of Nik Sgourakis where methyl NMR was used to elucidate mechanistic aspects of large molecular machines of the adaptive immune system. Currently, Andrew is a postdoctoral fellow at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia where they continue to harness the power of methyl NMR to discern the structure and function of proteins complexes of the innate immune system.

Abstract: In recent years, the use of site-specific methyl probes has pushed the molecular weight limit of solution-state NMR to beyond 1 MDa. In this tutorial, we will discuss practical aspects of methyl NMR. The first section will summarize approaches for methyl resonance assignment, including recent advances in automated assignment using methyl-methyl nuclear Overhauser effect measurements. The second section will describe methyl-based NMR methods to uncover biomolecular structure, function and dynamics. Throughout the discussion, a range of large molecular machines where methyl probes have been exploited will be highlighted, including a handful of important immunological protein complexes.


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Low-field vs high-field NMR: why not both?

In session 24, held virtually via zoom on 16th March 2021 Dr. Fabien Ferrage gave a talk on the topic "Low-field vs. high-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy: why not both?". The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Dr. Ferrage is currently Director of research at CNRS and associate professor at Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris, France.


Twitter: @fabferrage

Google scholar:

Abstract: High magnetic fields usually provide higher sensitivity and resolution, which are essential to investigate complex systems by NMR. Low-field NMR is cheap, convenient, and sometimes even better than high-field NMR. I will discuss and compare both approaches in the first part of the seminar. In the second part, I will introduce two-field NMR, in which we combine high- and low-field NMR in a single experiment. I will present how two-field NMR works and can lead to better NMR spectra in challenging systems.


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Bio NMR Adrian Draney Bio NMR Adrian Draney

Chemical biology tools for the NMR structural biologist

Session 23 held virtually via zoom on 2nd March 2021 featured Prof. Galia Debelouchina, Assistant Professor at University of California San Diego (UCSD), U.S.A. Prof. Debelouchina gave a talk on "Chemical biology tools for the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) structural biologist ". The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Follow Prof. Debelouchina's work:


Google scholar:

Twitter: @GaliaLab

Education 2011 Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2005 B.A., Chemistry, Mathematics, Colby College Appointments 2017 - present Assistant Professor, UCSD 2012 - 2017 Postdoctoral Associate, Chemical Biology, Princeton University

Abstract: Many of the challenging biological problems that NMR spectroscopists study involve large and complex proteins that are also often post-translationally modified. In this tutorial, I will cover NMR friendly approaches to install post-translational modifications efficiently, to segmentally label proteins, and to install various spectroscopic probes in a selective manner. I will cover tools such as inteins and sortase, unnatural amino acid incorporation, native and expressed protein ligation, and bio-orthogonal chemical approaches for protein labeling. I will discuss the advantages and challenges of these tools and present applications from my own lab and the recent literature.


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Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney

Statistical Learning of NMR tensors

Session 22 held virtually via zoom on 16th February 2021 featured Dr. Deepansh Srivastava, postdoc in Prof. Philip Grandinetti's research group at Ohio State University, U.S.A. Dr. Srivastava gave a talk on "Statistical Learning of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) tensors from 2D Isotropic/Anisotropic Correlation NMR Spectra". The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

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Short abstract: The talk features a direct inversion of 2D isotropic/anisotropic correlation ss-NMR spectra to 3D NMR tensor parameter distribution. The problem, regularized with TSVD and smooth-LASSO methods, promote stability, sparsity, and smoothness in the solution. An application of this method on spectra of non-crystalline material will be shown.

Abstract: Many linear inversion problems involving Fredholm integrals of the first kind are frequently encountered in the field of magnetic resonance. One important application is the direct inversion of a solid-state NMR spectrum containing multiple overlapping anisotropic sub-spectra to obtain a distribution of the tensor parameters. Because of the ill-conditioned nature of this inverse problem, we investigate the use of the truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD) and smooth least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (S-LASSO) based regularization method, which (a) stabilizes the solution and (b) promotes sparsity and smoothness in the solution. We also propose an unambiguous representation for the anisotropy parameters using a piecewise polar coordinate system to minimize rank deficiency in the inversion kernel. To obtain the optimum tensor parameter distribution, we implement the k-fold cross-validation, a statistical learning method, to determine the hyperparameters of the regularized inverse problem. In this talk, I'll show the details of the linear-inversion method along with numerous illustrative applications on purely anisotropic NMR spectra, both synthetic as well as experimental two-dimensional spectra correlating the isotropic and anisotropic frequencies.


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Parahydrogen hyperpolarization: biomedical imaging to RASER physics

After a brief break during December 2020, Global NMR Discussion Meetings is excited to continue hosting educative lectures on a wide variety of NMR topics starting January 2021. In session 20 that was held on 19th January, 2021 (via Zoom), Prof. Thomas Theis gave a talk on "Parahydrogen based hyperpolarization, novel development for applications ranging from biomedical imaging to RASER physics." The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Bio: Dr. Thomas Theis is Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University and Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research is focused on hyperpolarization technology and unconventional NMR and MRI detection schemes. Dr. Theis was born in Heidelberg, Germany, raised in Tenerife, Spain, and completed his undergraduate and masters at the Georg-August University of Goettingen (Germany). Theis received his PhD in 2012 from UC Berkeley (USA) working with Prof. Alexander Pines on "zero-field NMR" and “parahydrogen hyperpolarization schemes” for portable NMR. Dr. Theis conducted postdoctoral research at Duke University (USA) with Prof. Warren Warren focused on "singlet states for hyperpolarization storage", and worked on "low-field NMR" as visiting professor at RWTH Aachen University with Prof. Stephan Appelt (Germany). In 2015, he was promoted to Research Assistant Professor at Duke University developing “cost-efficient hyperpolarization techniques for molecular imaging”. Since 2018, Dr. Theis leads the North Carolina State Hyperpolarization Laboratory.

Follow Prof. Theis on:

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Research group website:

Abstract: Parahydrogen based hyperpolarization methods can create nuclear spin hyperpolarization directly in room temperature solutions to enhance NMR and MRI signals by up to seven orders of magnitude, depending on the magnetic field. Novel approaches to Parahydrogen Induced Polarization (PHIP) open new windows of opportunity in the field of magnetic resonance. In this talk the four following topics are discussed:

1) Parahydrogen as a Source of Spin Order, an Introduction.

2) Optical detection of PHIP with Rb-vapor and NV-centers.

3) Everlasting Sources of Long-Lasting Hyperpolarization.

4) The parahydrogen pumped RASER for precision measurements.


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Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Adrian Draney Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Adrian Draney

Frequency-Agile Instrumentation for High Field DNP/EPR Spectroscopy

The 19th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on 24th November 2020 via Zoom. Dr. Thorsten Maly gave a talk on versatile, frequency-agile instrumentation for high field dynamic nuclear polarization/electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture. Bio: 2005 Ph.D. in Chemistry, JWG University Frankfurt, Germany (group of Prof. Thomas Prisner) 2005-2010 Postdoc, MIT, Cambridge, USA (group of Prof. Bob Griffin) 2010-present: co-founder Bridge12 Technologies, Inc., Framingham USA

Follow Thorsten on social media:

Twitter: @thmaly


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Research Gate:

Abstract: To further improve the DNP methodology it is crucial to understand the EPR properties of the DNP sample at the field of the DNP experiment. However, gyrotron-based DNP system only offer limited flexibility to extract EPR parameters. In this tutorial, I will review frequency-agile instrumentation suitable for high-frequency DNP and EPR spectroscopy. I will discuss strategies for generating and detecting microwave radiation and will present the fundamental basics of quasi- optics, necessary to separate the incident from the reflected microwave beam.


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Bio NMR, Solution-State NMR Adrian Draney Bio NMR, Solution-State NMR Adrian Draney

Nanoparticle-assisted NMR relaxation in protein dynamics & metabolomics

The 18th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on 10th November 2020 via Zoom. Dr. Mouzhe Xie gave a talk on nanoparticle-assisted nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation in protein dynamics and metabolomics. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Bio: Mouzhe Xie studied chemical biology at Xiamen University (China) from 2009-2013. He received his Ph.D. degree from The Ohio State University (USA) in 2018, where he developed and applied solution NMR spectroscopy to study protein dynamics and metabolomics. He then spent 5 months at EPFL (Switzerland) as a visiting scientist. Currently, he is conducting postdoctoral research on nanoscale NMR and quantum sensing at the University of Chicago (USA).

Personal website:

Google scholar:


Abstract: In nanoparticle-assisted solution NMR, synthetic nanoparticles are added to NMR samples, which reduce the reorientational motion of molecules or protein regions in a selective or differential way. This leads to interesting spectral observations that contain critical information about the physicochemical properties, structures, dynamics, and functions of biomolecules. In this tutorial, I will introduce the basics of NMR relaxation theories, followed by some technical details including pulse selection and data processing. The discussion will be buttressed by recent studies on some important topics, such as supra-τc (slow) internal motions of globular proteins, cooperative binding of intrinsically disordered proteins to inorganic surfaces, and accurate metabolite identification in the context of NMR-based metabolomics."


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Bio NMR, Solution-State NMR Adrian Draney Bio NMR, Solution-State NMR Adrian Draney

Protein Structure Determination Using Paramagnetic NMR

The 17th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on 27th October 2020 via Zoom. Dr. Alireza Bahramzadeh gave a talk on the use of paramagnetic nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy for protein structure determination. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Abstract: The long-range nature of the paramagnetic effects arising from unpaired electrons of metal ions renders them a powerful NMR spectroscopic tool for the study of the structure and dynamics of biological macromolecules. In this tutorial, we will discuss protein structure determination using paramagnetic NMR. The first part will cover different types of paramagnetic metal ions and their paramagnetic effects in NMR, mainly focusing on using techniques which better immobilize metal ions onto the proteins and do not impact the protein structure; the second part will consider Pseudocontact Shifts (PCSs) for determining the 3D structure of proteins.

Biography: Alireza received a bachelor of Chemical Engineering and a master of Polymer engineering from the University of Tehran, Iran. During his master’s project, he worked on developing new nanomembranes for heavy metal ions removal in water. In 2015, he moved to Australia and joined the research group of Professor Gottfried Otting to undertake a Ph.D. During his Ph.D., he worked on developing new ways of studying protein structure using paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy.

Follow Alireza on Twitter: @alireza_bahramz

Google scholar page:

Research Gate:


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EPR Adrian Draney EPR Adrian Draney

Basics of EPR for NMR Spectroscopists

The 16th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on 13th October 2020 via Zoom. Nino Wili gave a talk on the basics of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopists. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Nino's slides are also available for download here:

Nino received his M.Sc. from Prof. Matthias Ernst's group at ETH Zürich in 2016. He is currently a Ph.D. student in Prof. Gunnar Jeschke's group at ETH Zürich.

Follow Nino on Twitter: @ChirpDontTweet

Google scholar page:


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Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Adrian Draney Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Adrian Draney

Paramagnetic Metal Ion Polarizing Agents for DNP

The 15th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on 29th September 2020 via Zoom. Prof. Björn Corzilius gave a talk on paramagnetic metal ion polarizing agents for dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Prof. Corzilius is the leader of the Solid-State DNP research group at the Institute of Chemistry and the Department of Life, Light & Matter, at the University of Rostock, Germany.



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Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Adrian Draney Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Adrian Draney

Theoretical Understanding of MAS Dynamic Nuclear Polarization

The 14th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on 15th September 2020 via Zoom. Dr. Asif Equbal gave a talk on the theoretical Understanding of magic angle spinning (MAS) Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP). The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Dr. Asif Equbal is currently a postdoctoral scientist in the research group of Prof. Songi Han at the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), U.S.A.

Follow Dr. Equbal on Twitter: @asifequbal313



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Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney

Programming Basics and How to Write NMR Simulation Software

The 13th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on 21st August 2020 via Zoom. Dr. Frédéric Perras gave a talk on some programming basics and writing NMR simulation software with static and magic angle spinning (MAS) chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) lineshapes as examples. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

The programs described in the video can be found and run online:

Dr. Frédéric Perras is an Associate Scientist at Ames Laboratory, Iowa, U.S.A.

Follow Dr. Perras on Twitter: @Fred_A_Perras


Google Scholar:


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Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney

Numerical Simulations in Solid-State NMR (SIMPSON)

The 12th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on 7th August 2020 via Zoom. Prof. Thomas Vosegaard gave a talk on Numerical Simulations in Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy with a particular emphasis on SIMPSON. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture.

Prof. Thomas Vosegaard is a Professor of Chemistry at the Aarhus University in Denmark.

Follow Prof. Thomas Vosegaard on Twitter: @TVosegaard


Google scholar:

Useful links: SIMPSON website:

Chapter with examples of SIMPSON:

Online examples from the chapter:


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Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney Solid-State NMR Adrian Draney

Methodology for 17O Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy

The 11th session of the Global NMR Discussion Meeting was held on 24th July 2020 via Zoom. Suzi Pugh gave a talk on the following topic: Methodology for 17O Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy. The video was recorded live during the presentation and serves as an educative lecture. Suzi Pugh is currently a graduate student at the University of St. Andrews (U.K.), working in the research group of Prof. Sharon Ashbrook. She received her B.Sc. from Keele University in 2015.

Follow Suzi Pugh on Twitter: @suzimay_pugh

Research Gate:


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